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Fredag d. 23. maj 2025 / Nørre Campus / Universitetsparken


UCPH is holding its first ever KU Sound Clash and your band is invited!

UCPH and Studenterhuset are in collaboration holding a brand new band competition, which will culminate in a final at UCPH Festival 2025.

We will hold preliminary rounds at Studenterhuset from the end of February 2025, and the competition will be decided between 2 bands at the UCPH Festival on 23/5 2025.


Are you a UCPH student or employee and do you play in a band?
Then we would like to hear from you. We are looking for bands that primarily consist of students and/or employees who want to participate.

Deadline for registration: 15 February 2025 


The band must predominantly consist of UCPH students or employees. (more than half)
For example, distributed as follows: 2 of 3, 3 of 4, 3 of 5, etc.


Send an email to Mikkel on
The email must contain:

  • Demo
  • Image
  • Text
  • Proof of UCPH affiliation for more than half of the band/group.

If you have any questions, we can be contacted at:

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