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Fredag d. 23. maj 2025 / Nørre Campus / Universitetsparken

Lost & Found

Have you lost something at the festival?

Fill out the form on this page with a description of the lost items, then we will do our best to reunite everything with their owners FROM the Monday following the event.

We gather all the found items and will bring them to Studenterhuset over the weekend of the festival.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to “just drop by” to check whether we’ve found your lost things after the festival. In 2022 we found almost 100 lost items; for instance phones, wallets and keys. To ensure that everything is returned to the rightful owner, we are going to keep an organised registration system. That gives you the safety of knowing, that if we find your things, you will also be the one getting them back again.

Have you found something?

Have you found something on the festival area or in one of the tents you can hand it in at Bar 1 or Bar 4.


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