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Rules of Order

§1 – Purpose
The purpose of these rules of order is to preserve the good atmosphere at KU’s Festival, as
well as to ensure that all visitors will have a positive experience in a safe and secure

§2 – Rules for stay
Only people who are in possession of a valid student card, staff ID, or VIP ticket may stay in
the area or who can in other ways prove that they are entitled to stay in the area. A valid
access token must be presented to staff and/or police on request.

– It is not permitted to display behaviour that is a nuisance or harm to others or otherwise endangers others.
– Buildings, plantings, and the like must not be damaged or neglected.
– Please use the toilets provided, and not stands or bushes.

§3 – Entrance control
The event’s staff has the right to investigate whether guests bring unwanted effects.
The following items may not be brought with you:

  • Food and beverages – including alcoholic beverages of any kind
  • Euphoric substances
  • Items that can be used as weapons
  • Fireworks or other pyrotechnic objects
  • Laser pens
  • Animals
  • Back patchs or other clothing that shows belonging to groupings
  • Camping chairs, tables, or the like
  • Prams
  • Dogs – With or without a leash
  • Megaphone or other sounder

The list is not exhaustive.

§4 – Violation of the rules of order
Guests who violate the rules of order can be immediately expelled and banned from appearing in the area, as well as banned from showing themself at the festival again.

If an infringement triggers a justified suspicion of a criminal offence, a police report will be made, and the faculty will be informed.
The staff is entitled to expel groups of people if the violation cannot be assigned to a single
person and if the violation is characteristic of the behaviour of the entire group.

§5 – The staff’s instructions
Guests must always follow the staff’s instructions.

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