Rainbow Corner
Opdateres start 2025
Rainbow Corner
Kom og mød Queer Union KU, LGBTQIA+ Medarbejdernetværket og KU’s Mangfoldighedsteam i festivalens Rainbow Corner!
Under regnbueflag vil studerende og medarbejdere fra de to netværk og KU’s mangfoldighedsteam stå klar til at fortælle om deres arbejde, og hvordan du kan blive medlem at et fedt fællesskab og involveret i indsatsen for at gøre KU til en mere inkluderende studie- og arbejdsplads.
Du får med sikkerhed boostet din feststemning med et besøg i teltets glimmerstation, og du kan få testet din viden om LGBTQIA-historie og vinde fed regnbue-merch, når fabulous Miss Boogie fører os igennem en rainbow quiz kl. 17.00.
Som del af KU’s indsats for at styrke inklusion og mangfoldighed på universitetet, vil du også have mulighed for at byde ind med alle dine egne idéer og forslag, der bliver samlet af KUs mangfoldighedsteam.
Læs mere om:
Studenternetværket Queer Union KU
LGBTQIA+ Medarbejdernetværket
KU’s arbejde med ligestilling og diversitet
Du finder os på KORTET ved regnbueflaget.
Test your knowledge on LGBTQIA history with the always fabulous Miss Boogie!
Join us for a fun and informative quiz at 17:00 in the festival’s Rainbow Corner. During two quiz rounds, you’ll have a chance to test your knowledge and win some awesome rainbow merch. The Rainbow Corner’s glitter station is also a sure way to get your party mood boosted!
The quiz is arranged by Queer Union KU, the LGBTQIA+ employee network, and UCPH’s diversity and inclusion team. You can meet all of them in the tent, to chat about how you can become part of a great community and get involved in the effort to make UCPH a more inclusive place to study and work.
Test your knowledge on LGBTQIA history with the always fabulous Miss Boogie!
Join us for a fun and informative quiz at 17:00 in the festival’s Rainbow Corner. During two quiz rounds, you’ll have a chance to test your knowledge and win some awesome rainbow merch. The Rainbow Corner’s glitter station is also a sure way to get your party mood boosted!
The quiz is arranged by Queer Union KU, the LGBTQIA+ employee network, and UCPH’s diversity and inclusion team. You can meet all of them in the tent, to chat about how you can become part of a great community and get involved in the effort to make UCPH a more inclusive place to study and work.
Aktiviteter i Rainbow Corner foregår på engelsk.