Quiz & Fun
Will be updated in early 2025

Science Slam
What’s a science slam, you say?
A Science Slam is an event with two basic ingredients: the scientists, who creatively explain their research projects, and the audience who watch them while drinking a beer or a cup of coffee.
Some scientists use humor, charm and even flirtation, while others do it with numbers, graphs, and curves. But all try to win the hearts of the audience, who give out points to their favorite scientists, after every presentation. At the end, the points are counted to find the winner who gets the night glory and title of coolest scientist in town! But of course, as mom always says, the point is not winning but participating and having a good time!”
Read more HERE
This event is in English

Join us for karaoke madness. Sign up to participate at the Frekvens tent from 15 minutes before each karaoke session: from 19.45 and from 22.15.
FREKVENS at 20.00 & 22.30
This event is both in English and Danish

The Faculty of Health Sciences: Climate Quiz: As Smart as a Professor?
William Demant, Sustainability Consultant
Climate crisis, research, University of Copenhagen. These are the three main ingredients in the KU Festival’s new climate quiz. Test your knowledge, beat your friends, and find out if you are as smart as a professor.
There are prizes for the best, so you better start studying right away.
This event is in Danish

“Climate myths busters” – Debunking myths about climate change.
Vegan Students and Medical Students for Climate
Come and debunk myths with climate student organisations!
Wil you fall in the trap of believing these myths or are you already an expert? Can you only be a healthy vegan if you take daily vitamins? Is the decreasing sperm quality of the Danish caused by air pollution? Can you only get through as a climate activist by using civil disobedience?
Students from different climate organisations from UCPH will be on scene to explain if the facts are true or not and why. You will here from Vegan Students and Medical Students for Climate.
The debunking will be preceded by a musical prelude by Martin Keller, with a special song about sustainability.
This event is in English

Music Quiz with the SDG Ambassadors
Warm up for the evening’s music program when the SDG Ambassadors invite you to a music quiz with a small sustainable development goals twist. There are, of course, prizes up for grabs for the best performers and lots of great music. The SDG Ambassadors are a network of young communicators, project managers, activists, and opinion leaders who work for a more equal, sustainable, and just world. They bring people together around the shared vision and hope for the future that the sustainable development goals represent.
Host: Ellen Bang
This event is in English

Rainbow Quiz
Test your knowledge on LGBTQIA history with the always fabulous Miss Boogie!
Join us for a fun and informative quiz at 17:00 in the festival’s Rainbow Corner. During two quiz rounds, you’ll have a chance to test your knowledge and win some awesome rainbow merch. The Rainbow Corner’s glitter station is also a sure way to get your party mood boosted!
The quiz is arranged by Queer Union KU, the LGBTQIA+ employee network, and UCPH’s diversity and inclusion team. You can meet all of them in the tent, to chat about how you can become part of a great community and get involved in the effort to make UCPH a more inclusive place to study and work.
This event is in English

The University Post – KUiz
The University Post is hosting their legendary Kahoot quiz “KUiz” with not-so-practical knowledge and fun facts about the life at KU.
This event is in Danish

Community Dancing
Do you wanna ‘dance the night way’ this years at KU Festival? Then join Emma at 06:40 pm on Frekvens.

Palmer & Portvin
Palmer & Portvin er netop hjemvendt fra en kort turné på undergrunds-jazzklubber i Egypten.
Det betyder, at de er varmet op til at gå på scenen denne fredag, og spille deres instrumentalmusik på alle de sprog, der findes på plænen denne dag. Så længe dette sprog kan disco.
This event is in English